Friday, July 6, 2007

I'm BACK!!

So....I'm now back in reality in New York and working again. Have been assigned a job where I'll be in Chicago for at least a month.....bugger!

Sorry for not blogging more during the trip but we didn't have regular access to internet cafes and China blocks a lot of websites, which prevented me from seeing my blog and posting was tricky! Not too mention that I was kept busy seeing things and sitting on buses and in 4x4's!!

The remainder of the trip was amazing....Everest is spectacular .....a couple on our trip actually got engaged up at base camp....very cool! Then onto Nepal and Kathmandu.....absoluately beautiful and lush countryside ...definately will have to try and get back there to do a bit more travelling and maybe even hiking. Such different terrain to the dry and arrid desert like Tibet. Nothing grows there cause of the altitude.

Once I download some photos I'll upload them and you'll get to see what I got up to.

Although it's kinda sad to be back home....have to say it was nice sleeping in my own bed and having a beautiful toilet to's the small things right!

So, don't know what's next on the travel agenda. But totally looking forward to a visit from Dad and Mum over the next few months and showing them around this city that I love. Then I think it may be time to plan my next steps from a life perspective!

Anyway, keep checking back....I'll keep updating this thing with the latest going's on.....

Tonight/tomorrow....getting a desperately overdue haircut and dye job!!!! Grrr the grays are showing badly!!!