Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Remember - Ritchie will save the world

People.....while I'm away it's very important that you watch the rugby and cheer on ritchie for me while I'm away!! I enclose a picture just so you don't forget who you're supporting! What a QT!

Working in Florida

So here I am working in middle of nowhere Floriday......or perhaps it's actually a retirement mecca! Best bit is that once I get back to New York on Thursday....only 2 more sleeps till I go to China! Yay

Birthday Piccy's

The following are some piccy's of my birthday dinner and drinkies with my peeps! Thanks lily for the photos!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend!!

So.....summer has finally arrived! It's memorial day weekend....and fleet week here in the city. There's so many people around.

This morning I got the last of my shots for my trip.....Rabies, Japenese Encephilitus and Hep B. That was round three....so nice to have them all done and feel a little safer! Now just need to stock up on Tylenol and Immodium for the trip! Got my hiking boots the other day, which are much pinker than they were in the pictures on the internet. Oh well.

Tonight the girls and I are off for an early drink at Tonic, hopefully we'll get out to the rooftop bar. I suspect many people will be thinking the same thing! Nothing other than a yankees game (sunday) and packing this weekend before heading to Florida on monday for work. Perhaps will head over to long island city "beach" for a few beverages tomorrow afternoon too.

Hope you're all well.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lucky Me!

So last night my friend Ryan calls me an asks if I want to go to the Yankees v Red Sox game that night! YES! Why not.

So, we had these killer seats about 8 row from the Boston dug-out. How cool!!

Not only that but the Yanks won! 6-2......we're making a come back.

Tour Details

So this is the link to my trip https://www.intrepidtravel.com/trips/fsn in case you're interested in following my tour and also in case anyone needs to contact the tour company.

I'm leaving on the June 4th departure of the mountains and monestaries tour.

Monday, May 21, 2007


This was the group of us that walked together. I'm just learning how this whole blog thing works!

12 days to go before vacation!

Very excited.

Had my birthday yesterday. A great day starting with a 10km walk for AIDs through central park and then down Riveriside Dr. Met some new people from PwC and ended up hanging out with them and having a late lunch in a bar near Columbus Circle. Very nice people. I'll attach a photo of us eating!

Kristine had arranged for some of my friends and I to meet for drinks (at the Ganesvoort Hotel rooftop bar) and then dinner at Vento in the meatpacking district. Was a really great night....lots of laugh and tasty food. Also a few firefighters making a guest appearance....unfortunately remained fully clothed! ;-) Got some cool pressies. Thanks for all the gifts....will all come in handy!

Now officially have my visa's for China and Nepal. So I'm definately going! Bought some hiking boots online today, and they are the last thing I need. I am going to be working out of town next week, only arriving back in NYC the night before I leave! So will have to essentially pack for my adventure this weekend!

Must run....

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Running! and other things

Also.....am starting to run. Have been building up over the last week and am doing 3kms...building up at 0.3miles a day. Trying to start doing some running with the NY runners club.

Also, on Monday got a bunch of shots done for my trip to China. Need to go back next Monday for more.....incl. Hep A, Hep. C, RABIES, Japanese Encephilitus, Polio! Crazy and sore arms! Same day I got my visa for Nepal, just have to get the one for China now. Starting to get excited about my trip....feel like I haven't done any exciting travel for ages!

Dumb arse!

To set up what I did I need to explain that in NY most women will walk to work in flat shoes and then switch to high heels. Some keep pairs at the office, others take them with them.

So...here I am walking to work carrying the heels and enjoying my comfy flat shoes! I arrive at work only to find that the "pair" of shoes I brought to wear was in fact 1 purple shoe and 1 black shoe! Such an idiot....as a result I went about my day in the flat unworklike shoes!